Phone:(027) 87792334-8116
Email:junbo.han#mail.hust.edu.cn (#to@)
Academic Areas
Magneto optics, Nonlinear optics, Photonics
Junbo Han is a full Professor at Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). He is now a PI of magneto-optics group, and his research interests include (1) Novel photoluminescence phenomena of luminescent materials under high magnetic field, (2) Nonlinear optical and magneto-optical properties of noble metal composite nanostructures, (3) Optical, electrical and magneto-optical properties of 2D materials and 2D devices. He has published more than 100 reviewed papers in optics and applied physics. He is now a Ph. D supervisor in the major of optics and he welcomes students and postdocs with backgrounds of Physics, optics and materials to join his group.
Academic Degrees
1. 09/2002-06/2007: Ph.D in Department of physics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, P. R. China
2. 09/1998-07/2002: Bachelor in Department of physics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, P. R. China
Professional Experience/ Positions
1.11/2016-current: Visiting Professor, Department of Physics, University of Washington, United States.
2. 11/2014-current: Full Professor, Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, P. R. China.
3. 10/2010-10/2014: Associate Professor, Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, P. R. China.
4. 12/2008-09/2010: Postdoc, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada.
5. 03/2007-12/2008: Senior R&D engineer, Team leader, Research and Development Center of Delta Electronics in Wuhan.
Selected Publications
1. H. W. Dai, L. M. Zhang, Z. W. Wang, X. Wang, J. P. Zhang, H. M. Gong,J. B. Han*, Y. B. Han*, “Linear and nonlinear optical properties of silver-coated gold nanorods”,J. Phys. Chem. C, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b00295, 2017.
2. Z. Q. Zhong, X. Wang, J. P. Zhang, H. Z. Zhong, andJ. B. Han*, “Optical detection of magnetic field with Mn41:K2SiF6 phosphor from room to liquid helium temperatures”,Appl. Phys. Lett.110, 212405, 2017.
3. G. T. Dai, Z. Q. Zhong, X. F. Wu, S. P. Zhan, S. G. Hu, P. Hu, J. S. Hu, S. B. Wu,J. B. Han*, and Y. X. Liu*, “Magnetic tuning of upconversion luminescence in Au/NaGdF4:Yb3+/Er3+nanocomposite”,Nanotechnology28, 155702, 2017.
4. C. Chen, Y, B. Han*, X. J. Wang, P. P. Chen,J. B. Han*, L. Li, “Low temperature photo-induced carrier dynamics in the GaAs0.985N0.015alloy”,J. Alloy Compd.,699, 297, 2017.
5. L. P. Hou, C. Chen, L. Zhang, Q. K. Xu, X. X. Yang, M. I. Farooq,J. B. Han*, R. B. Liu, Y. Y. Zhang, L. J. Shi and B. S. Zou, “Spin-Related Micro-Photoluminescence in Fe3+Doped ZnSe Nanoribbons”,Appl. Sci.,7, 39, 2017.
6. H. Li, W. N. Shi, W. C. Huang, E. P. Yao,J. B. Han, Z. F. Chen, S. S. Liu, M. K. Wang, and Y. Yang, “Carbon quantum Dots/TiOx electron transport Layer Boosts efficiency of planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells to 19%”,Nano Lett.DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b05177, 2017.
7. Y. Sun, J. P. Zhang, Z. W. Ma. C. Chen,J. B. Han, F. C. Chen, X. Luo, Y. P. Sun, and Z. G. Sheng, “The Zeeman splitting of bulk 2H-MoTe2single crystal in high magnetic field”,App. Phys. Lett.110, 102102, 2017.
8. N. Zhou, B. Xu, L. Gan, J. P. Zhang,J. B. Hanand T. Y. Zhai, “Narrowband spectrally selective near-infrared photodetector based on up-conversion nanoparticles used in a 2D hybrid device”,J. Mater. Chem. C,5, 1591, 2017.
9. J. P. Zhang, Z. Q. Zhong, X. Wang*, Z. W. Ma, S. L. Wang, Y. B. Han andJ. B. Han*, “Large photoluminescence enhancement of Er3+: GdVO4crystal in both green and middle infrared regions under moderate low magnetic fields”,Opt. Mater. Express,6, 3446, 2016.
10. P. Chen, Z. Zhong, H. Jia, J. Zhou,J. B. Han*,X. Liu* and J. Qiu*, “Magnetic field enhanced upconversion luminescence and magnetic–optical hysteresis behaviors in NaYF4: Yb, Ho nanoparticles”,RSC Advances,6, 7391, 2016.
11. Z. W. Ma, C. Chi, Y. Yu, Z. Q. Zhong, L. H.Yao, Z. K. Zhou, X. Wang, Y. B. Han, andJ. B. Han*, “Near-UV-enhanced broad-band large thirdorder optical nonlinearity in aluminum nanorod array film with sub-10 nm gaps”,Opt. Express,24, 5387, 2016.
12. Z. W. Ma, Y. Yu, S. X. Shen, H. W. Dai, L. H. Lin, Y. B. Han, X. Wang,J. B. Han*, and L. Li, “Origin of the Avalanche-like photoluminescence from metallic nanowires”,Sci. Reps.,6, 18857, 2016.
13. Y. Bi, C. Cheng, Y. F. Zhao, Y. Q. Zhang, S. D. Jiang, B. W. Wang,J. B. Han, j. l Sun, Z. Q. Bian, Z. M. Wang, “Thermostability and photoluminescence of Dy(III) single-molecule magnets under a magnetic field”,Chem. Sci.,7, 5020, 2016.
14. M. Q. Huang, M. L. Wang, C. Chen, Z. W. Ma, X. F. Li,J. B. Han, and Y. Q. Wu*, “Broadband black-phosphorus photodetectors with high responsivity”,Adv. Mater.,28, 3481, 2016.
15. L. Hu, D. B. Li, L. Gao, H. Tan, C. Chen, K. H. Li, M. Li,J. B. Han, H. S. Song, H. Liu, and J. Tang*, “Graphene Doping Improved Device Performance of ZnMgO/PbS Colloidal Quantum Dot Photovoltaics”,Adv. Func. Mater.,26, 1899, 2016.
16. X. Zhou, L. Gan, Q. Zhang, X. Xiong, H. Q. Li, Z. Q. Zhong,J. B. Hanand T. Y. Zhai, “High performance near-infrared photodetectors based on ultrathin SnS nanobelts grown via physical vapor deposition”,J. Mater. Chem. C,4, 2111, 2016.
17.J. B. Han,Y. B. Han, L. Li, “Optical properties of rare earth ion doped luminescent materials under a pulsed high magnetic field”,Physics,45, 26, 2016.
18. H. W. Dai, Y. Yu, X. Wang, Z. W. Ma, C. Cheng, Z. K. Zhou,J. B. Han*, Y. B. Han*, S. D. Liu, and L. Li, “Study of surface plasmon induced hot electron relaxation process and third-order optical nonlinearity in gold nanostructures”,J. Phys. Chem. C,119, 27156, 2015.
19. P. Chen, H. Jia, Z. Zhong,J. B. Han*, Q. Guo, J. Zhou, X. Liu*, and J. Qiu*, “Magnetic field modulated upconversion luminescence in NaYF4:Yb,Er nanoparticles”,J. Mater. Chem. C,3, 8794, 2015.
20. Y. H. Zhang, Q. L. Xiao, H. He, J. Zhang, G. P. Dong*,J. B. Han*, and J. R. Qiu*, “Simultaneous luminescence modulation and magnetic field detection via magneto-optical response of Eu3+-doped NaGdF4nanocrystals”,J. Mater. Chem. C, 3, 10140, 2015.
21. G. L. Yang, Z. W. Ma, H. Z. Zhong*, S. Y. Zou, C. Chen,J. B. Han*, and B. S. Zou*, “Probing Exciton Move and Localization in Solution-Grown Colloidal CdSexS1−x Alloyed Nanowires by Temperature- and Time-Resolved Spectroscopy”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 22709, 2015.
22. J. P. Zhang, X. Wang, Z. Q. Zhong, Z. W. Ma, S. L. Wang, Y. B. Han,J. B. Han*, L. Li, and S. Q. Tang, “Magnetic field induced extraordinary photoluminescence enhancement in Er3+:YVO4single crystal”, J. Appl. Phys., 118, 083101, 2015.
23. Y. L. Wang, J. P. Zhang,J. B. Han*, Z. H. Hao*,Q. Q. Wang, “High magnetic field and temperature tuning of up-conversion luminescence in Mn2+-doped (Er3+/Yb3+): NaYF4”,J. Appl. Phys.,117, 083903, 2015.
24. Y. B. Han, Z. W. Ma, J. P. Zhang, J. F. Wang, G. H. Du, Z. C. Xia,J. B. Han*, L. Li, and X. F. Yu, “Hidden local symmetry of Eu3+in xenotime-like crystals revealed by high magnetic fields”,J. Appl. Phys.,117, 055902, 2015.
25. S. D. Liu, X. Qi, W. C. Zhai, Z. H. Chen, W. J. Wang, andJ. B. Han, “Polarization state-based refractive index sensing with plasmonic nanostructures”,Nanoscale,7, 20171, 2015.
26. S. X. Shen, J. J. Shan, H. Y. Chen,J. B. Han, Z. W. Ma, M. M. Yang, F. Zhao, F. Z. Yang, T. M. Shih, Y. L. Zhou, Z. L. Yang, and Z. Q. Tian, “Multi-mode matching for efficient plasmon-enhanced second-harmonic generation”,Nano Lett., Accepted, 2015.
27. Z. K. Zhou, J. C. Xue, Z. B. Zheng, J. H. Li, Y. L. Ke, Y. Yu,J. B. Han, W. G. Xie, S. Z. Deng, H. J. Chen*, X. H. Wang*, “Centimeter-Scale sub-10-nm gap plasmonic nanorod array film as versatile platform for enhancing light-matter interactions”,Nanoscale,7, 15392, 2015.
28. Y. L. Wang, F. Nan, Z. Q. Cheng,J. B. Han, Z. H. Hao, H. X. Xu*, and Q. Q. Wang*, “Strong tenability of cooperative energy transfer in Mn2+-doped (Yb3+, Er3+)”/NaYF4nanocrystals by coupling with silver nanorod array”,Nano Res.,8, 2970, 2015.
29. X. L. Ren, X. H. Zhang, N. S. Liu, L. Wen, L. W. Ding, Z. W. Ma, J. Su, L. Y. Li,J. B. Han, and Y. H. Gao*, “White Light-Emitting Diode from Sb-doped p-ZnO nanowire arrays/n-GaN film”,Adv. Func. Mater.,25, 2182, 2015.
30. P. Chen, H. Jia, J. P. Zhang,J. B. Han, X. F. Liu, and J. R. Qiu, “Magnetic tuning of optical hysteresis behavior in lanthanide-doped nanoparticles”,J. Phys. Chem. C,119, 5538, 2015.
31. F. Zhang, H. Z. Zhong*, C. Chen, X. G. Wu, X. M. Hu, H. L. Huang,J. B. Han, B. S. Zou, and Y. P. Dong,ACS Nano,9, 4533, 2015.
32. K. Wu, J. P. Zhang, S. S. Fan, J. Li, C. Zhang, K. K. Qiao, L. H. Qian*,J. B. Han, J. Tang, S. Wang*, “Plasmon-enhanced fluorescence of PbS quantum dots for remote near-infrared imaging”,Chem. Commun.51, 141, 2015.
33. Y. Yu, S. S. Fan, H. W. Dai, Z. W. Ma, X. Wang,J. B. Han*, and L. Li, “Plasmon resonance enhanced large third-order optical nonlinearity and ultrafast optical response in Au nanobipyramids”,Appl. Phys. Lett.105, 061903, 2014.
34. P. Chen, J. P. Zhang, B. B. Xu, X. W. Sang, W. B. Chen, X. F. Liu*,J. B. Han*, and J. R. Qiu*, “Lanthanide doped nanoparticles as remote sensors for magnetic fields”,Nanoscale6, 11002, 2014.
35. Y. Yu, S. S. Fan, X. Wang*, Z. W. Ma, H. W. Dai,J. B. Han, “ Large third-order optical nonlinearity in coupled Au–Ni–Au composite nanorods”,Mater. Lett.134, 233-236, 2014.
36 Y. J. Song*, W. T. Yin, Y. H. Wang, J. P. Zhang, Y. Wang, R. M. Wang,J. B. Han, W. Wang, S. V. Nair, and H. E. Ruda, “Magneto-plasmonics in periodic nanoporous structures”,Sci. Rep-UK4, 4991, 2014.
37. Y. Zhou, M. Y. Leng, Z. Xia, J. Zhong, H. B. Song, X. S. Liu, B. Yang, J. P. Zhang, J. Chen, K. H. Zhou,J. B. Han, Y. B. Cheng, and J. Tang*, “Solution-processed antimony selenide heterojunction solar cells”,Adv. Energy Mater.4, 1301846, 2014.
38. J. P. Zhang, Z. W. Ma,J. B. Han*, G. H. Du, Y. L. Zhou, and Z. Cheng, “Absorption induced photoluminescence intensity modulation of Er3+: YVO4single crystal under pulsed high magnetic field”,J. Lumin.144, 53, 2013.
39. Z. W. Ma, J. P. Zhang, X. Wang, Y. Yu, J. B. Han*, G. H. Du, and L. Li, “Magnetic field induced great photoluminescence enhancement in an Er3+:YVO4single crystal used for high magnetic field calibration”,Opt. Lett.38, 3754, 2013.
40. Z. Chen, H. Dai, J. Liu, H. Xu, Z. Li, Z. K. Zhou, andJ. B. Han*, “Dipole plasmon resonance induced large third-order optical nonlinearity of Au triangular nanoprism in infrared region”,Opt. Express,21, 17568, 2013.
41. Z. Li, Y. Yu, Z. Chen, T. Liu, Z. K. Zhou*,J. B. Han*, J. Li, C. Jin, and X. Wang, “Ultrafast Third-Order Optical Nonlinearity in Au Triangular Nanoprism with Strong Dipole and Quadrupole Plasmon Resonance”,J. Phys. Chem. C,117, 20127, 2013.
42. G. H. Du, P. Liu, W. W. Guo, Y. B. Han, J. P. Zhang,J. B. Han*, Z. L. Liu*, and K. L. Yao, “The influence of high magnetic field on electric-dipole emission spectra of Eu3+in different single crystals”,J. Mater. Chem. C1, 7608, 2013.
43. A. S. Helmy, P. Abolghasem, J. S. Aitchison, B. J. Bijlani,J. B. Han, B. M. Holmes, D. C. Hutchings, U. Younis, and S. J. Wagner ‘Recent Advances in Phase-Matching Second Order Nonlinearities in Monolithic Semiconductor Waveguides,’Laser Photonics Rev.5, 272, 2011.
44.J. B. Han, P. Abolghasem, B. J. Bijlani, A. Arjmand, S. Chaitanya Kumar, A. Esteban-Martin, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, and A. S. Helmy, “Femtosecond second-harmonic generation in AlGaAs Bragg reflection waveguides: theory and experiment”,J. Opt. Soc. Am. B.27, 1291, 2010.
45.J. B. Han, P. Abolghasem, D. P. Kang, B. J. Bijlani, A. S. Helmy, “Difference frequency generation in AlGaAs Bragg reflection waveguides”,Opt. Lett.,35, 2334, 2010.
46.J. B. Han, D. P. Kang, P. Abolghasem, B. J. Bijlani, A. S. Helmy, “Pulsed- and continuous-wave difference frequency generation in AlGaAs Bragg reflection waveguides”,J. Opt. Soc. Am. B.27(12), 2488, 2010.
47.J. B. Han, P. Abolghasem, B. J. Bijlani, and A. S. Helmy, “Continuous-Wave Sum-Frequency Generation in AlGaAs Bragg Reflection Waveguides”,Opt. Lett.,34, 3656, 2009.
48. Q. Q. Wang (supervisor),J. B. Han, D. L. Guo, S. Xiao, Y. B. Han, H. M. Gong, and X. W. Zou, “Highly efficient avalanche multiphoton luminescence from coupled Au nanowires in visible region”,Nano Lett.7, 723, 2007.
49. Q. Q. Wang (supervisor),J. B. Han, H. M. Gong, D. J. Chen, X. J. Zhao, J. Y. Feng, and J. J. Ren, “Linear and nonlinear optical properties of Ag nanowire polarizing glass”,Adv. Func. Mater.16, 2405, 2006.
50.J. B. Han, D. J. Chen, S. Ding, H. J. Zhou, Y. B. Han, G. G. Xiong, and Q. Q. Wang, “Plasmon resonant absorption and third-order optical nonlinearity in Ag-Ti cosputtered composite films”,J. Appl. Phys.99, 023526, 2006.
51.J. B. Han, S. Ding, D. J. Chen, Z. H. Hao, and Q. Q. Wang, “Microstructure and percolation threshold characteristics of reactive sputtered Au-TiO2granular composite films”,J. Non-Cryst Solids352, 386, 2006.
52.J. B. Han, Y. B. Han, D. J. Chen, S. Ding, and Q. Q. Wang, “Optical resonant absorption of Ag-Ti co-sputtered composite films”,Mater. Lett.60, 467, 2006.
53.J. B. Han, H. J. Zhou, and Q. Q. Wang, “Conductivity and optical nonlinearity of Sb doped SnO2films”,Mater. Lett.60, 252, 2006.
54.J. B. Han, X. Wang, N. Wang, Z. H. Wei, G. P. Yu, Z. G. Zhou, And Q. Q. Wang, “Effect of plasma treatment on hydrophilic properties of TiO2 thin films”,Surf. Coat. Tech.200, 4876 2006.
55.J. B. Han, N. Wang, G. P. Yu, Z. H. Wei, Z. G. Zhou, and Q. Q. Wang, “Effect of Ar plasma treatment on the photo-electrical properties of nanocrystal TiO2films”,Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C.88, 293, 2005.