Intrinsic hysteresis of topological Josephson junctions with Majorana zero modes

author: time:2019-11-13 clicks:

Time and place: 2019.11.14, 14:30 pm, Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center C204

Presenter: Zhi Wang

Title: Intrinsic hysteresis of topological Josephson junctions with Majorana zero modes


Topological Josephson junctions are distinct from conventional ones in that they host Majorana bound states which form a two-level quantum system, the so-called Majorana qubit. The energies of the two levels are depending on the Josephson phase across the junction,while reversely the effective potential for the Josephson phase is controlled by the wave function of the Majorana qubit. We build a quantum resistively shunted junction model to describe the correlation between the Majorana qubit and the classical Josephson phase. Within this model, we study the I-V characteristics of the junction, and demonstrate an intrinsic hysteric behavior which is independent of the parameters of the junction. Our results are quantitatively in agreement with recent experiments.

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