Email:thding#mail.hust.edu.cn (#to@)
Academic Areas
Pulsed Power, Power Elecronics
Ding Tonghai graduated from Department of Electric Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1994 and majored in Electric Machine and Control. Dr. Ding received his Ph.D. Degree of Nuclear Energy Science & Engineering in Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007, and joined in Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in December of the same year. Dr. Ding carried out research work relating to the power supply system for pulsed high magnetic field facility.
Academic Degrees
1. 03/2002 – 01/2007: Ph.D. in Nuclear Energy Science & Engineering, Microwave Research Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2. 09/1998 – 07/2001: Master in Nuclear Energy Science & Engineering, Microwave Research Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
3. 09/1990 – 06/1994: BS in Electric Machine and Control, Department of Electric Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Professional Experience/ Positions
1. 11/2015 – Present: Professor, Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
2. 12/2007 – 10/2015: Senior Engineer, Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
3. 10/2005 – 11/2007: Engineer, Microwave Research Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS Hefei, China
4. 10/2004 – 10/2005: Visiting Scholar, ECH group of DIII-D Tokamak, General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
5. 07/2001 – 10/2004: Engineer, Microwave Research Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS Hefei, China
6. 07/1994 – 08/1998: Engineer, High Magnetic Field Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS, Hefei,.China
Selected Publications
[1] Ding Tonghai, Wang Jun, Ding Hongfa, Li Liang, Liu Baohua, Pan Yuan, A 35 kA disc-shaped thyristor DC switch for batteries power supply of flat-top pulsed magnetic field, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2012.06.01, 22(3)
[2] Ding TH, Ma Y, Chen H, Lv YL, Han XT, Li L, Pan Y, Analysis and Experiment of Battery Bank Power Supply System for Long Pulse Helical Magnet in WHMFC, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2014.06.01, 24(3)
[3] Ding T.H., Ding H.F., Jiang C.H., Xu Y., Li L., The new developed components tests for 1 MJ capacitor power supply system in wuhan high magnetic field facility, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2010.04.01, 159(1-2):354~357
[4] Ding T.H., Lv Y.L., Tang J.X., Chen X., Chen X.Y., Li L., Pan Y., The design and tests of battery power supply system for pulsed flat-top magnets in WHMFC, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2013.03.01, 170(5-6):481~487
[5] Ding Tonghai, Ding Hongfa, Peng Tao, Han Xiaotao, Xie Jianfeng, Li Liang, Design of multipulse power supply for small pulsed high magnetic fielddevice, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2010.06.01, 20(3):1689~1692
[6] Ding Tonghai, Du shaowu, Hu guofu, Liu Baohua, The high voltage power supply system of ECRH for HT-7, IEEE Conference Record of Power Modulator Symposium, 2002, P595-598