Title: Professor
Phone: (027) 87792334-8112
Email: zwouyang#mail.hust.edu.cn(#to@)
Academic Areas:
Low-dimensional quantum magnetism
Frustrated magnets
Nano-sized molecular magnets
Professor Ouyang graduated from Department of Physics, Hunan Normal University in 1996 and received his Ph.D. degree from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Aug. 2004. From 2004 to 2008, he had post-doctoral research experiences in Ames Laboratory/Iowa State University, USA and Tohoku University, Japan, respectively. At the end of 2008, Prof. Ouyang joined in Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. His research interests includes: low-dimensional quantum spin systems, frustrated magnets and nano-sized molecular magnets.
Academic Degrees
Mar. 2001-Aug. 2004: Ph.D:Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Sept. 1996- Jul. 1999: M.S degree:Department of Physics, Hunan Normal University
Sept. 1992-Jul. 1996: B.S. degree:Department of Physics, Hunan Normal University
Professional Experience/ Positions
Nov. 2008-present:Professor of Physics,Leader of high-magnetic-field ESR facility,WuhanNational High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,China.
Nov. 2006-Nov. 2008:JSPS post-doc Researcher,Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan. Host researcher: Prof. Hiroyuki Nojiri
Oct. 2004-Nov. 2006:Post-doc Research Associate,Ames Laboratory, US DoE and Iowa State University.Host researchers: Prof.V. K. Pecharsky and K.A. Gschneidner
Selected Publications
1. X. Y. Yue,Z. W. Ouyang*, C. B. Liu, L. Yin, X. C. Liu, and Z. X. Wang, “Structure and magnetization plateau of a frustrated Co6 cluster antiferromagnet Sr2Co3(C2O4)3(OH)4·3H2O”,Cryst. Growth Des.21, 149 (2021).
2. R. Chen, J. F. Wang,*Z. W. Ouyang*, M. Tokunaga, A. Y. Luo, L. Lin, J. M. Liu, Y. Xiao, A. Miyake, Y. Kohama, C. L. Lu, M. Yang, Z. C. Xia, K. Kindo, and L. Li, “Successive electric-polarization switches in the S=1/2 skew chain Co2V2O7induced by a high magnetic field”,Phys. Rev. B100, 140403 (2019).
3. W. H. Ji, L. Yin, W. M. Zhu, C. M. N. Kumar, C. Li, H. F. Li, W. T. Jin, S. Nandi, X. Sun, Y. Su, Th. Brückel, Y. Lee, B. N. Harmon, L. Ke,*Z. W. Ouyang*, and Y. Xiao,* “Noncollinear magnetic structure and anisotropic magnetoelastic coupling in cobalt pyrovanadate Co2V2O7”,Phys. Rev. B100, 134420 (2019).
4. X. C. Liu,Z. W. Ouyang*, X. Y. Yue, X. Jiang, Z. X. Wang, J. F. Wang, and Z. C. Xia, “Structure and 3/7-like magnetization plateau of layered Y2Cu7(TeO3)6Cl6(OH)2containing diamond chains and trimers”,Inorg. Chem.58, 10680-10685 (2019).
5. L. Yin,Z. W. Ouyang*, J. F. Wang,* X. Y. Yue, R. Chen, Z. Z. He, Z. X. Wang, Z. C. Xia, and Y. Liu, “Anisotropic magnetization plateaus inSeff= 1/2 skew-chain single-crystal Co2V2O7”,Phys. Rev. B99, 134434 (2019).
6. R. Chen, J. F. Wang*,Z. W. Ouyang*, Z. Z. He, S. M. Wang, L. Lin, J. M. Liu, C. L. Lu, Y. Liu, C. Dong, C. B. Liu, Z. C. Xia, A. Matsuo, Y. Kohama, and K. Kindo, “Magnetic field induced ferroelectricity and half magnetization plateau in polycrystallineR2V2O7(R= Ni, Co)”,Phys. Rev. B97, 184404 (2018)
7.Z. W. Ouyang, Y. C. Sun, J. F. Wang*, X. Y. Yue, R. Chen, Z. X. Wang, Z. Z. He*, Z. C. Xia, Y. Liu, and G. H. Rao, “Novel half-magnetization plateau and nematiclike transition in theS=1 skew chain Ni2V2O7”,Phys. Rev. B97, 144406 (2018).
8. X. Y. Yue,Z. W. Ouyang*, M. Y. Cui, L. Yin, G. L. Xiao, Z. X. Wang, J. Liu, J. F. Wang, Z. C. Xia, X. Y. Huang, and Z. Z. He*, “Syntheses, structure and 2/5 magnetization plateau of a 2D layered fluorophosphate Na3Cu5(PO4)4F•4H2O”,Inorg. Chem.57, 3151-3157 (2018).
9. X. Y. Yue,Z. W. Ouyang*, J. F. Wang, Z. X. Wang, Z. C. Xia, and Z. Z. He*, “Magnetization and ESR studies on Cu4(OH)6FCl: an antiferromagnet with a kagome lattice”,Phys. Rev. B97, 054417 (2018).
10. M. Y. Ruan,Z. W. Ouyang*, Z. X. Wang, Z. C. Xia, and G. H. Rao*, “Magnetization, ESR, and giant magnetocaloric effects in nanocrystals of Haldane-chain compound Gd2BaNiO5”,Appl. Phys. Lett.111, 122403 (2017).