Phone:(027) 87792334-8110
Email:pengtao#mail.hust.edu.cn (#to@)
Academic Areas
generation and application of high magnetic field.
Academic Degrees
1. 2000.09~2005.07: PhD in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
2. 2003.08~2004.07: International student, Physics Department, KU Leuven, Belgium
3. 1996.09~2000.07: BS in Electrical & lectronic Engineering, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
Professional Experience
1. 2011.11~present: Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center and School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST, Professor
2. 2009.07~2009.08: Physics Department, KU Leuven, Belgium, Visiting fellow
3. 2008.05~2008.06: Physics Department, KU Leuven, Belgium, Visiting fellow
4. 2006.07~2011.10: Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center and School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST, Associate professor
5. 2006.07~2006.12: Physics Department, KU Leuven, Belgium, Visiting scholar
6. 2005.09~2006.06: Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center and School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST, Lecturer
7. 2005.06~2005.08: Physics Department, KU Leuven, Belgium, Visiting scholar
Selected Publications
[1] T. Peng, F. Jiang, Q.Q. Sun, Y. Pan, F. Herlach,*L. Li,Concept Design of 100 T Pulsed Magnet at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26(4), 4300504, 2016
[2] *T. Peng, F. Jiang, Q.Q. Sun, Q. Xu, H.X. Xiao, F. Herlach, L. Li,Design and Test of a 90 T Non-destructive Magnet at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 24(3), 4300604, 2014
[3] *Peng T.,Sun Q.Q., Zhao J.L., Jiang F., Li L., Xu Q., Herlach F.,Development of fast cooling pulsed magnets at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,Review of Scientific Instruments, 84(12), 125112, 2013
[4] *T. Peng, Q.Q. Sun, X. Zhang, Q. Xu, H.X. Xiao, F. Herlach, Y. Pan, L. Li,Design and Performance of the First Dual-Coil Magnet at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,Journal of Low Temperature Physicss, 170(5/6), pp 463-468, 2012
[5] Q.Q. Sun, L. Li, F. Jiang, H.X. Xiao,*T. Peng,Fatigue Properties of CuNb Conductor used for Pulsed Magnets at the WHMFC,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 24(3), 501404, 2014
[6] Q.Q. Sun, F. Jiang, L. Deng, H.X. Xiao, L. Li, M. Liang,*T. Peng,Uniaxial fatigue behavior of Cu–Nb micro-composite conductor, part I: Effect of peak stress and stress ratio,International Journal of Fatigue, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.08.025, 2015
[7] F. Jiang, Q. Q. Sun, Z. P. Lai, B. Luo, Y. Pan, L. Li,*T. Peng,Electromagnetically driven expanding ring test for the strength study of the Zylon/epoxy composite,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26(4), 9000106, 2016
[8] L. Li, Y.L. Lv, H.X. Xiao, Y. Pan,*T Peng, High Performance Pulsed Magnetic Fields at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center.IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26(4), DOI:10.1109/TASC.2016.2524522, 2016
[9] L. Li, Y.L. Lv, H.F. Ding, T.H. Ding, X.T. Han, H.X. Xiao, Y. Xu, G.B. Wang, Y. Yuan, F. Jiang, Q.Q. Sun, X.Z. Duan, Y. Pan,*T Peng,Short and long pulse high magnetic field facilities at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 24(3), 9500404, 2014
[10] Jiang F.,Peng T.,Xiao H.X., Zhao J.L., Pan Y., Herlach F., *Li L.,Design and test of a flat-top magnetic field system driven by capacitor banks,Review of Scientific Instruments, 85(4), 045106, 2014