Phone:(027) 87792334-8022
Email:liujuan2012#hust.edu.cn (#to@)
Academic Areas
Organic material and superconductor
Doctor Liu graduated from School of Physics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Doctor Liu received his Ph.D. Degree in July 2011, and joined in School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in the January of the 2012, and joined in Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center (WHMFC) in the same year. Doctor Liu is responsible for the management of the users and operating.
Academic Degrees
1. 03/2007-06/2011: Ph.D in School ofPhysics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2. 09/2004-03/2007: Master in School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
3. 09/1998-06/2002: Bachelor in School of Physics, HuNan University of Science and Technology
Professional Experience/ Positions
11/2011-Present:, Lecturer Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center and School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Selected Publications
1. J. Liu, B. Luo, Z. Y. Sun, H. H. Fu, K. L. Yao, "Ab initio investigation of the noncollinear magnetic structure of CeFeAsO", Phys. Rev. B (2011) 84, 115123
2. J. Liu, B. Luo, R. Laskowski, K. L. Yao, "Noncollinear magnetic ground state of PrFeAsO", Europhys Letter (2011) 93, 17003
3. J. Liu, B. Luo and K. L. Yao, "First-principles calculation on the magnetic and electronic properties of iron sulfur compound", Solid State Communications (2012) 152, 215
4. J. Liu, K. L. Yao, B. Luo, Z. E. Mu, L. Zhu, G. Y. Gao, Y. L. Li, Z. L. Liu, "First-principles electronic-structure calculation on the spin distribution and the half-metallic properties of the mixed valence iron compound Ba2F2Fe1.5S3", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2009) 321, 1192
5. J. Liu, Y. Zhao, L. Yi, "Substitution Effects on MgB2 Superconductivity", Commun. Theor. Phys. (2008) 49, 504
6. B. Luo,J. Liu, S. Zhu. And L. Yi, “Chromium is proposed as an ideal metal to form contacts with monolayer MoS2 and WS2”Mater. Res. Express (2015) 2, 106501
7. A. H. Xu,J. Liu, B. Luo, “Controllable magnetic thermal rectification in a SMM dimmer with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction” Physica B (2016) 499, 107-111
8. S. Zhu. Y. Ni,J. Liu, and K. L. Yao “The study of interaction and charge transfer at black phosphorus-metal interfaces”J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (2015) 48, 445101
9. Z. W. Zhu. X. Lin,J. Liu, Benoit Fauque, Q. Tao, C. L. Yang, Y. G. Shi, and K. Behnia, “Quantum Oscillations, Thermoelectric Coefficients, and the Fermi Surface of Semimetallic WTe2” Phys. Rev. Lett. (2015) 114, 176601
10. B. Luo, J. Liu, J. T. Lv, J. H. Gao & K. L. Yao, “Ultrahigh spin thermopower and pure spin current in a single-molecule”Sci. Rep. (2014) 4:4128.