Email:mpzslyk#hust.edu.cn, mpzslyk#gmail.com(#to@)
Mailing Address:Rm. A318 Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1037 Luoyu Rd., Wuhan, China, 430074
Education and Professional Experience:
2004.09-2008.06 Zhejiang University, B.S.;
2008.09-2013.06 Zhejiang University, Ph. D;
2010.09-2011.10 Princeton University, USA, visiting student;
2013.10-2017.01 Los Alamos National Lab., USA, postdoc;
2017.01-2018.07 University of California, Los Angeles, USA, postdoc;
2018.08-present Huazhong University of Science and technology, Professor.
Research Areas:
I am an experimentalist of Condensed Matter Physics. The focus of my research interest is on strongly correlated electronic systems including unconventional superconductivity, magnetism, heavy-fermion materials, quantum phase transition and quantum critical point, and topological materials. In my lab, we use electrical/thermal transport, magnetic and thermodynamic properties measurements, in combination with all kinds of quantum controlling like physical pressure, chemical doping, high magnetic field, and uniaxial strain to tune the physical properties. We also do nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to study spin dynamics of these materials.
Students and postdoc positions:
My group accepts 1-2 Ph. D students and some master students every year. Undergraduate students who want to complete their dissertations are also welcome to join us.
The postdoc positions are open for all seasons. Young scientists with techniques of material synthesis, transport measurements, and NMR et al. are welcome to contact me!
Selected Publications:
[1] Yongkang Luo, Leonid Pourovskii, Stephen Rowley, Yuke Li, Chunmu Feng, Antoine Georges, Jianhui Dai, Guanghan Cao, Zhu’an Xu*, Qimiao Si, and N. P. Ong,“Heavy Fermion Quantum Criticality and Destruction of the Kondo Effect in a Nickel Oxypnictide”, Nature Materials 13, 777 (2014).
[2] Yongkang Luo*, Hua Chen, Jianhui Dai, Zhu-an Xu, and J. D. Thompson, "Heavy surface state in a possible topological Kondo insulator: Magnetothermoelectric transport on the (011) plane of SmB6”, Phys. Rev. B 91, 075130 (2015).
[3] Yongkang Luo*, N. J. Ghimire, M. Wartenbe, Hongchul Choi, M. Neupane, R. McDonald, E. D. Bauer, Jianxin Zhu, J. D. Thompson, and F. Ronning, “Electronhole compensation effect between topologically trivial electrons and nontrivial holes in NbAs”, Phys. Rev. B 92, 205134 (2015).
[4] Yongkang Luo*, H. Li, Y. M. Dai, H. Miao, Y. G. Shi, H. Ding, A. J. Taylor, D. A. Yarotski, R. P. Prasankumar, and J. D. Thompson, “Hall effect in the extremely large magnetoresistance semimetal WTe2”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 182411 (2015). (Most accessed in 2016)
[5] Yongkang Luo*, F. Ronning, N. Wakeham, Xin Lu, Tuson Park, Zhu-an Xu, and J. D. Thompson, “Pressure-tuned quantum criticality in the antiferromagnetic Kondo semi-metal CeNi2As2”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112, 13520 (2015). (LANL Science Highlights Aug. 2016)
[6] Yongkang Luo*, R. D. McDonald, P. F. S. Rosa, B. Scott, N. Wakeham, N. J. Ghimire, E. D. Bauer, J. D. Thompson, and F. Ronning, “Anomalous electronic structure and magnetoresistance in TaAs2”, Sci. Rep. 6, 27294 (2016).
[7] P. F. S. Rosa*, J. Kang, Yongkang Luo, N. Wakeham, E. D. Bauer, F. Ronning, Z. Fisk, R. M. Fernandes, and J. D. Thompson, “Competing magnetic orders in the superconducting state of heavy-fermion CeRhIn5”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114, 5384 (2017).
[8] L. Wang, Z. M. Fu, M. Liu, Y. Wei, C. J. Yi, Yongkang Luo, Y. M. Dai, G. T. Liu, Y. Matsushita, K. Yamaura, L. Lv, Yi-feng Yang, Y. G. Shi*, and J. L. Luo,“Non-Fermi liquid behavior in the quasi one-dimensional Kondo lattice CeCo2Ga8”, npj Quantum Materials 2, 36 (2017).
[9] M. Naritsuka, P.F.S. Rosa, Yongkang Luo, Y. Kasahara*, Y.Tokiwa, T. Ishii, S. Miyake, T.Terashima, T. Shibauchi, F. Ronning, J. D. Thompson, and Y. Matsuda, "Tuning the pairing interaction in a d-wave superconductor by paramagnons injected through interfaces”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 187002 (2018).
[10] Yongkang Luo*, E. D. Bauer, Xin Lu, A. P. Dioguardi, P. F. S. Rosa, Qimiao Si, and J. D. Thompson, “Quantum criticality in CeRh0.58Ir0.42In5: Kondo-breakdown and spin-density critical points”, npj Quantum Materials 3, 6 (2018).