Phone:+86 27 87792334-8119
Cell:+86 15927546192
Fax:+86 27 87792333
Email:zengwei.zhu#hust.edu.cn; zhuzengwei#gmail.com (#to@)
Academic Areas
Electric and thermal transport on semimetals, superconductors, strongly correlated electron systems etc.
1. 09/2004-12/2009:Ph.D. in Physics, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang, China.Supervisor: Zhu’an Xu.
2. 09/2008-08/2009: Joint Ph.D study, Ecole Supe´rieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la ville de Paris (ESPCI), Paris, France. Supervisor: Kamran Behnia.
3.09/1999- 06/2003:B.S. in Physics,Zhejiang Normal University, Zhejiang, China.
Professional Experience
1. 06/2014-Present :Professor, Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
2. 10/2012-06/2014:Director’s Postdoctoral Fellow, NHMFL-PPF, Los Alamos, NM, USA.
3. 02/2010-06/2012:Postdoc CNRS,ESPCI, Paris, France.
4. 09/2003-06/2004: High School Teacher, Lishui High School, Zhejiang, China.
Selected Publications
1) Zengwei ZhuL, Pan Nie, Benoît Fauqué, Ross D. Mc Donald, Neil Harrison, Kamran Behnia, "Graphite in 90 T: Evidence for Strong-coupling Excitonic Pairing ", Phys. Rev. X 9.011058 (2019).
2) Xiaokang Li, Liangcai Xu, Linchao Ding, Jinhua Wang, Mingsong Shen, Xiufang Lu, Zengwei ZhuL,Kamran Behnia, "Anomalous Nernst and Righi-Leduc effects in Mn3Sn: Berry curvature and entropy flow ", Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 056601 (2017).
3) Zengwei ZhuL, Jinhua Wang, Huakun Zuo, Benoît Fauqué, Ross D. McDonald, Yuki Fuseya, Kamran Behnia, "Emptying Dirac valleys in bismuth by magnetic field", Nature Communications 8, 15297(2017) .
4) Zengwei ZhuL, Xiao Lin, Juan Liu, Benoit Fauque, Qian Tao, Chongli Yang, Youguo Shi, Kamran Behnia,"Quantum oscillations, thermoelectric coefficients and the Fermi surface of semi-metallic WTe2 ",Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 176601 (2015) Editors’ Suggestion.
5) Zengwei Zhu, Aurélie Collaudin, Benoît Fauqué, Woun Kang, and Kamran Behnia, "Field-induced polarisation of Dirac valleys in bismuth", Nature Physics 8, 89 (2012).
6) Zengwei Zhu, Huan Yang, Benoît Fauqué, Yakov Kopelevich, and Kamran Behnia, "Nernst effect and dimensionality in the quantum limit", Nature Physics 6, 26 (2010).