Personal files:
Yibo Han, professor
Email:ybhan#hust.edu.cn(# to @)
Address:Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center (WHMFC), A312, Luoyu road 1037, Hongshan district, Wuhan, 430074, China
Education and occupation:
2020-now, Prof., WHMFC, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
2015-2020, Assoc. Prof., WHMFC, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
2013-2015, Lecturer, WHMFC, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
2011-2013, Postdoc., High magnetic field center, Osaka University;
2009-2011, Lecturer, WHMFC, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
2009, Ph.D. of optics, Wuhan University;
2004, B. S. of applied physics, Wuhan University;
Research interests:
A. Spin-photonics and luminescence of magnetic semiconductors;
B. Second- and third-order optical nonlinearities.
Recent Publications:
1. Ruiqin Huang, Jingnan Hu, Zhuo Yang, Yoshimitsu Kohama, Xinhui Zhang, Xixiang Zhu, Huakun Zuo, Jinyu Zou, Tao Peng, Liang Li, Gang Xu,* and Yibo Han*, “Magnetic Field Effect on Spin-Polarized Excitons in Two-Dimensional Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskites”, ACS Photonics 11, 3160−3166 (2024).
2. Kun Zhang, Enze Kang, Ruiqin Huang, Liang Li, Yanzhuo Wang, Hongyang Zhao,* Masayuki Hagiwara, Ying Ma, and Yibo Han*, “Effect of Mn–Mn Magnetic Ordering on Photoluminescence in 2D Layered Hybrid Perovskite (CH3NH3)2MnCl4” Adv. Optical Mater. 2400936 (2024).
3. Chaofeng Zheng, Guixian Li, Jiayi Liang, Lu Yu, Wang Li, Yibo Han,* Chunru Wang, and Taishan Wang*, “Magnetophotoluminescence Response Triggered by the Triplet State in Metallofullerene”, Adv. Optical Mater. 2303334 (2024).
4. Yongfu Ma, Ruiqin Huang, Hongmei Gong, Enze Kang, Jingge Chen, Quanliang Cao, Yibo Han*, “Enhanced room-temperature magnetic field effect on spin polarized excitons of cesium lead bromine-magnetite nanocomposites”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 082404 (2024).
5. Zhao-Bo Hu, Long-He Li, Yibo Han, Jinlei Zhang, Jianrong Li, Zilu Chen, Shuyi Wu, Yi Zhang, Heng-Yun Ye, You Song, “A new insight into the unique magneto-optical effect of layered perovskite (C6H5C2H3FNH3)2MnCl4”, Aggregate 2, e294 (2023).
6. Han Gao, Chao Chen, Lu You, Fei Sun, Chengliang Lu, Sijie Yang, Guofu Zhou, Deyang Chen,* Yibo Han,* and Jun-Ming Liu, “Co-Polarized Second Harmonic Generation Induced by Ferroelectric Domains and Domain Wall Arrays”, Adv. Optical Mater. 10, 2200831 (2022).
7. Ruiqin Huang, Enze Kang, Han Gao, Renbo Guo, Qingsong Hu*, and Yibo Han*, “Large third-order optical nonlinearities of two-dimensional CsPbBr3 nanoplatelets”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 071105 (2022).
8. Yongfu Ma, Han Gao, Ruiqin Huang, Renbo Guo, Sijie Yang, Yibo Han*, Huakun Zuo, “Green emission in Fe- and Mn-doped ZnO nanowires studied by magneto-photoluminescence”, J. Lumin. 241, 118521 (2022).
9. Kun Zhang, Jian Zhao, Qingsong Hu, Sijie Yang, Xixiang Zhu, Yaqi Zhang, Ruiqin Huang, Yongfu Ma, Zhenxing Wang, Zhongwen Ouyang, Junbo Han, Yibo Han*, Jiang Tang, Wei Tong, Lei Zhang, Tianyou Zhai*, “Room-Temperature Magnetic Field Effect on Excitonic Photoluminescence in Perovskite Nanocrystals”, Adv. Mater. 33, 2008225 (2021).
10. Yibo Han, Shojiro Kimura, Kouichi Okunishi, and Masayuki Hagiwara “Unconventional magnetic excitations and spin dynamics of exotic quantum spin systems BaCo2V2O8 and Ba3CuSb2O9”, Appl. Magn. Res. 52, 349-362 (2021).
11. Yongfu Ma, Han Gao, Qinyuan Zhang, Jian Zhao, Ruiqin Huang, Nansen Zhou, Kai Zhang, and Yibo Han* “Magnetic modulation of low-temperature exciton-phonon coupling in ZnO nanowires”, J. Lumin. 225, 117393 (2020).
12. Yibo Han, Qinyuan Zhang, Masayuki Hagiwara, Takahito Fujita, Zhangzhen He, Zhongwen Ouyang and Junfeng Wang, “The half magnetization plateau in Ni3V2O8 studied by electron spin resonance”, J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 31, 125801 (2019).
13. Kun Zhang, Yong-Fu Ma, Ya-Qi Zhang, Han Gao, Yi-Bo Han*, “Concentration modulated photoluminescence and optical switching performance of graphene-oxide quantum dots”, J. Lumin. 209, 116-120 (2019).
14. Kun Zhang, Liping Tong, Yongfu Ma, Junfeng Wang, Zhengcai Xia, and Yibo Han*, “Modulated up-conversion luminescence and low-temperature sensing of Gd3Ga5O12:Yb3+Er3+ by incorporation of Fe3+ ions”, J. Alloy Compd. 781, 467e472 (2019).