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Impulse Welding and Manufacturing: Methods and Opportunities

发布日期:2018-11-05    作者:     来源:     点击:

2163题目:Impulse Welding and Manufacturing: Methods and Opportunities

报告人:Glenn S. Daehn教授





Explosive-like impulse can do remarkable things. Impact welding, for example can produce very strong welds between wildly dissimilar metals in a solid-state process, avoiding the intermetallic compounds that often cause brittleness, and melting that can destroy microstructure and strength. Explosive forming can dramatically extend forming limits and can avoid presses and fixed dies. This presentation will discuss many ways that explosive-like methods can be used in conventional lab or factory environments. Methods to be considered include:

——Chemical Explosives

——Electromagnetic Lorentz interaction

——Vaporizing metal foils or filaments

——Laser Impulse

——High speed presses

While these methods can offer vastly different pressure-time profiles with pressures ranging to GPa and time scales to tens of nanoseconds, all these methods offer opportunities very light equipment and enable new phenomena that can enable new methods of joining, forming, cutting and surface treatment. The operations discussed will include:

——Solid state impact Welding

——Conformal Joining



——Surface Hardening

——Powder Consolidation

After a brief, but broad introduction to impulse manufacturing, we focus on the use of the new methods of the vaporizing foil technique and laser impulse methods to enable solid-state welding. Modeling and simulation will be synthesized with experimental macroscopic and microstructural information. Efforts to further commercialize these methods will also be discussed.


Glenn Daehn’s research, education and service efforts are all broadly related to the interwoven themes of Midwestern manufacturing revival, which in turn depends on technology development, integration of the University mission with regional industry and the development of a world-class workforce that is both smart and creative as well as able to make things. Prof. Daehn’s specific projects, related to this broad agenda, are represented below:


Recently, most of Glenn’s research is focused on impulse-based manufacturing. This technology allows new ways of shaping, cutting, joining and processing materials. A detailed account, including movies and publications placed in context can be found at the Impulse Manufacturing Lab Website. Probably the most up to date publication list can be found on Google Scholar, and for more than you want to know, Glenn’s resume is here.

Teaching and Professional Development

Glenn is passionate about connecting kids in the K-12 pipeline to careers in the STEM fields (at all levels, not just professional engineers). Since 2007 he has been very involved in the ASM Materials Camp for Teachers program and since 2010 has been a trustee on the ASM Education Foundation Board. Since 2012 he has been involved in the professional development of practicing high school science teachers through the Math Science Partnership Program. Some of the concepts that are being delivered to teachers can be found at this teacher’s professional development site.


Glenn has been involved in a range of activities that encourage deep interaction between academia and industry. He was the founder and is the current Director of the Ohio Manufacturing Institute. He is part of OSU’s leadership team for the Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow Institute, founded by EWI, University of Michigan and Ohio State. He leads the Agile Manufacturing and Low Cost Tooling pillar. He also plays central roles in Ohio State’s manufacturing initiatives including the Center for Design for Manufacturing Excellence and the Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainability Discovery Theme Initiative.
