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Dissecting Metallic Quantum Matter with Neutrons

发布日期:2019-11-19    作者:     来源:     点击:

题目:Dissecting Metallic Quantum Matter with Neutrons

报告人:Marc Janoschek 博士





When many quantum particles interact in a solid frequently unexpected collective behavior emerges that is extremely difficult to predict. A prime example are metals near magnetic quantum phase transitions, notably magnetic instabilities in the zero-temperature limit that are accessed by non-thermal tuning parameters such as pressures and magnetic fields, at which strong electronic correlations manifest via new energy scales, as well as the emergence of novel quantum matter states. Examples include charge stripe and loop order, electronic nematic order, “hidden” order, multipolar order, and unconventional superconductivity. The SINQ neutron source at PSI provides a unique toolset for high-precision studies of such quantum matter states with access to the underlying energy scales and the associated collective behavior. I will provide an overview of current frontiers and developments in the field. I will summarize the progress made by recent neutron scattering experiments carried out by us and others and discuss how they offer the potential for exciting break throughs in the understanding of metallic quantum matter, notably in the extreme of high magnetic fields.


Marc Janoschek博士于2004年和2008年分别获得德国慕尼黑工业大学学士和博士学位。2008-2009年在德国科隆大学Markus Braden教授组做博士后,2009-2011年在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校M. Brian Maple教授组做博士后。2011-2018年加入美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室并成为凝聚态和磁体科学组中子散射的能力领导者。2018年起,担任瑞士保罗谢勒研究所中子和μ子实验装置主任。Marc博士长期研究强关联电子效应、非常规超导、拓扑磁体斯格明子等新奇量子物质,已发表论文70多篇,H因子24,先后获得Feodor Lynen ScholarshipWolfram-Prandl PrizeHans Fischer Fellow等多项科研荣誉及头衔。