题目:Integrability and chaos of 1+1dchiral edge states
报告人:廉骉(Biao Lian),普林斯顿大学助理教授
地点:腾讯会议(会议号:889 319 659)
I will talk about the integrability and chaos of 1+1d interacting chiral edge states, which may arise on the edge of 2+1d topological states of matter. We show that chiral Luttinger liquid is not always a good low energy description of the edge states, and marginal interactions can significantly affect their spectrum and integrability. We first study N identical chiral Majorana fermion modes with random 4-fermion interactions, where we show that the system undergoes a transition from integrable to quantum chaotic at N=7. The large N limit defines a chiral SYK model, where the Lyapunov exponent in the out-of-time-ordered correlation can be solved analytically. I will also present a chiral SY model which has Abelian anyon charge excitations and exhibits similar quantum chaos. Lastly, I will talk about the analytical and numerical study of the 4/3 FQH edge theory, which shows unusual behavior in its integrability.