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Edge conduction and gate induced superconductivity in monolayer WTe2

发布日期:2018-05-09    作者:     来源:     点击:

目:Edge conduction and gate induced superconductivity in monolayer WTe2

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Topology and correlation are two essential concepts in modern condensed matter physics. They give rise to a lot of interesting phenomena and exotic ground states, among which the quantum spin Hall (QSH) effect and superconductivity are two famous examples. Monolayer WTe2, a topological nontrivial semimetal in the bulk form, has recently been predicted to be a QSH insulator if a bulk gap opens. In experiment, we find that at temperatures below about 100 K a gap appears and the 2D bulk becomes insulating near zero doping, while the edges remain conducting. At lower temperatures, the edge conduction is strongly suppressed by in-plane magnetic field. Most of the observations are consistent with monolayer WTe2being a quantum spin Hall insulator. Surprisingly, when the monolayer is electrostatically doped away from the insulating state, the 2D bulk turns superconducting below about 1 K. Bilayer and trilayer WTe2, on the other hand, do not show any signature of edge conduction or superconductivity. Monolayer WTe2thus provides a unique platform for studying different electronic ground states and the interplay among them.


2011年毕业于中国科学技术大学物理系,同年进入美国华盛顿大学(西雅图),于2017年获凝聚态物理博士学位。博士期间,师从David Cobden教授从事一维二氧化钒(VO2)纳米线、二维石墨烯(Graphene)、二维碲化钨(WTe2)等纳米材料的光学以及输运性质的研究。博士毕业至今,在华盛顿大学许晓栋教授组继续从事凝聚态物理博士后研究。他以第一作者身份在Nature Physics上发表论文1篇,在Nature上接收论文1篇,同时有多篇合作论文正在Science和Nature Materials上审稿中。
