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Chiral Majorana fermions from quantum anomalous Hall state

发布日期:2018-07-04    作者:     来源:     点击:

题目:Chiral Majorana fermions from quantum anomalous Hall state

报告人:王靖 教授





The chiral Majorana fermion, a massless fermionic particle being its own antiparticle, could arise as a one-dimensional quasiparticle edge state of a two-dimensional topological states of quantum matter. The propagation of chiral Majorana fermions could lead to non-abelian braiding and may be useful in topological quantum computation. Despite intensive searches, the chiral Majorana fermion is still have to achieve.

Recently, we propose to realize a two-dimensional chiral topological superconducting state from the quantum anomalous Hall plateau transition in a magnetic topological insulator thin film through the proximity effect to a conventional s-wave superconductor. Furthermore, we predicted the half-quantized plateau as smoking gun signature of chiral Majorana fermion. Remarkably, such half-quantized plateau has been observed in experiments as an evidence for chiral Majorana fermion edge state in the quantum anomalous Hall-superconductor system.


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[4] J. Wang, B. Lian, arXiv: 1805.10763 (2018).


王靖,复旦大学物理系教授。2001-2011年,就读清华大学物理系,并获本科、博士学位。2011-2015年,在斯坦福大学物理系从事博士后研究。2015-2016年,在斯坦福SLAC担任Research Associate。2016年至今,任复旦大学物理系教授。目前主要从事凝聚态物理理论的研究,主要研究兴趣集中在凝聚态体系中的新奇量子现象的理论研究,研究课题包括拓扑绝缘体和拓扑超导体、拓扑半金属、自旋电子学、低维量子体系的电子和输运性质、介观体系的非线性光学等。已发表论文40余篇,其中12篇Physical Review Letters,1篇Nature Physics,1篇Nature Materials,1篇Nature Nanotechnology,2篇Science,并有多个理论工作被实验验证和应用。论文总引用2500多次,H指数24。2013年获全国优秀博士学位论文奖,2016年获中组部“计划”支持。
